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* Planning and Resources Section  *

The planning and resources section is one of the technical departments of Al Alam Industrial Company. It is specialized in manufacturing woven bags and acts as coordinator among the marketing Dept. , and the  sales and  production department by receiving  customers' orders from the marketing and sales department and   handing them over to the  production  dept.  in the form of programs and production plans. It also provides its requirements of raw materials and deliver them back to the marketing and the sales departments. In final form (manufactured products.)

The Main Tasks of the Planning and Resources Section:-
a. Planning for production operations
b. Providing of production requirements (raw materials )
c. C. Stores

First: Planning for Production Operations:-
As previously indicated in the identification, the main tasks of the planning and resources section  in

planning  production operations are summarized in the following:-
1.To prepare the annual budget  of production planning.
2. To prepare the annual budget of the raw materials according to the annual budget of production.
3. To prepare monthly budget for the raw materials according to the monthly plans and objectives of production.
4.To prepare  monthly plan according to the orders received from the marketing and sales department.

Second: Provision of Production Requirements (Raw materials):    
The main tasks of the planning and materials section include provision of production requirements for (foreign and local) raw materials. According to the following policy:-
-Two months requirement in the stores
-One month requirement in advance.
-One month requirement under contract.
The requirement period is determined according to the annual and the monthly budget of the raw materials and average actual uses.

Third: Stores:-
Sores in al Alam Industrial Company play important and basic role .From them production operation starts through the raw materials stores, and also end through the completer production stores. The company has the following stores:-
a. Spare parts and Tasks stores.
b. Raw materials store.
c. Complete production store.
d. Fuel store.

Each of the above mentioned stores plays important and basic role as follows:-

a. Spare Parts and Tasks  Stores;
 It is an important and vital vein due to its actions since the beginning of receiving all kinds of spare parts and tasks from local and foreign importers and arrangement of their receiving in appropriate and sound way, and re-delivering them to the various section according to the procedures and systems in operation, and instruction of the work which are prepared for the above purpose.

b. Raw Materials Stores:-  
As above  mentioned, the raw materials  store is considered the beginning of the production process through  receiving of raw materials  from local and foreign importers , their disposal to the production sections according to the  accredited procedures And systems.  Subsequently, this leads to be preserved and stored in appropriate way according to the work instruction in this regard, as well as directing the importers regarding mechanisms and methods of good storing.

c. Complete Production Stores:-
It is the last stage in which complete production products pass before being delivered to customers through the marketing and sales department. It plays important role in keeping products safe  before being delivered to customers by strictly complying with the instruction prepared for this, whether concerning storing methods and mechanisms, in addition to inspection of trucks in which goods are transported to customers, and determine whether they are valid or not.

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